For Certification Bodies that have issued certificates in Validation Service,
and are now about to take decisions on certifying these GGN in the database,
please contact the Customer Support via mail before doing this in order to follow the correct process.
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The Global Partnership for Safe and Sustainable Agriculture

There are several options to search in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database. Please note that search results depend on your complete search input and on your data access. For example more information is available for market participants.
Search #1 - Identify producer via unique codes
You may enter either a GGN, LGN, CoC Number, CB registration ID, GLOBALG.A.P. certification number, GLN or Sub-GLN registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. database
GGN / GLN / LGN / CoC Number, CB registration ID, GLOBALG.A.P. certification number

Search #2 - Browse the GLOBALG.A.P. database for producers via producer name and location
Please note that search results vary according to your assigned role and the access right setting of the respective producers
*Mandatory for Search #2
CountryFederal State City ZIP

Search #3 - Browse the GLOBALG.A.P. Database for producers according to scheme requirements
Please note that drop-down menus vary according to your assigned role
*Mandatory for Search #3, select Country to enable Product drop-down menu
SchemeOptionCompany Type

Filter certification validity
Filter results based on time left until the certificate expires
Show only certificates expiring within

Company Type
Name1/Last Name
Name2/First Name
Federal State
4052852174015DNV CERT25572023GGDNKACCREDIAProducerAller Aqua A/S6070ChristiansfeldDenmark
GLOBALG.A.P. Compound Feed Manufacturing
Certification Body / Producer GroupName1Name2SchemeCertificate (online)Certificate (PDF)Other Information
DNVDNV Business Assurance Italy Srl GLOBALG.A.P. Compound Feed Manufacturingde | en  |   
CFM Compound Feed Manufacturer
CFM Compound Feed Manufacturer
ProductGLOBALG.A.P. certificate no.CycleStatusCertified/assessed processChecklistValid toScheme GRScheme CPCCOptionMultisiteCountries of destinationCertificate (online)Certificate (PDF)Other Information
Compound Feed for Aquaculture00134-KVLHF-0002Currentcertified certifiedYesNo checklists available.31/05/2025GLOBALG.A.P. CFMC General Rules v3.1GLOBALG.A.P. CFM CPCC v3.11no MultisiteALB, ARE, ARM, AUS, AZE, BIH, BRA, CAN, CHN, DNK, DZA, EGY, EU, GEO, GHA, HKG, HRV, IDN, IRN, KAZ, KEN, KOR, KWT, LBN, LBY, MAR, MKD, MNE, MYS, NGA, NOR, NZL, OMN, PHL, RKS, RUS, SAU, SRB, TUR, TWN, UKR, VNM, ZAFde | en | 
Attributes current cycle
Assessment conducted remotely?N/A
Additional sections covered by certificate
Parallel Ownership (PO)?No
GLOBALG.A.P. NON-GM/Ohne Gentechnik Add-on
Certification Body / Producer GroupName1Name2SchemeOther Information
DNVDNV Business Assurance Italy Srl GLOBALG.A.P. NON-GM/Ohne Gentechnik Add-on Module 1: Compound Feed Manufacturing Company 
Module 1
CFM feed mills
ProductGLOBALG.A.P. certificate no.CycleStatusCertified/assessed processChecklistValid toScheme GRScheme CPCCOptionMultisiteCountries of destinationOther Information
Compound Feed for Aquaculture00134-KVLHK-0002Currentassessed assessedYesNo checklists available.31/05/2025GLOBALG.A.P. NON-GM/Ohne Gentechnik General Rules SpecificationsGLOBALG.A.P. NON-GM/Ohne Gentechnik Add-on Module 1: Compound Feed Manufacturing Company1no MultisiteALB, ARE, ARM, AUS, AZE, BIH, BRA, CAN, CHN, DNK, DZA, EGY, GEO, GHA, HKG, HRV, IDN, IRN, KAZ, KEN, KOR, KWT, LBN, LBY, MAR, MKD, MNE, MYS, NGA, NOR, NZL, OMN, PHL, RKS, RUS, SAU, SCG, TUR, TWN, UKR, VNM, ZAF